Dial One Franklynn Pest Control

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Protecting Your Home Against Louisiana Rodents in Winter

When you look up “Rats in Louisiana,” the first image that pops up is the ugly visage of Louisiana’s famous Nutria Rat. The distinctive traits, such as long, orange teeth, webbed feet and swamp-matted hair, are enough to send shivers of disgust down the strongest of spines. But even though these unpleasant creatures are reputedly “destroying Louisiana” they are a red herring for the real danger to your home this winter: Common Rodents. Critters such as House Mice, Roof Rats and Norway Rats are all warm-blooded mammals who (naturally) search for a warm spot to nest during the colder seasons. Depending on the cozy nature of your walls, your interior may be the perfect spot for a local rodent colony.

Defend your home against a furry invasion! The following material will help you identify your rodent problem and figure out the best solution.

Three Common Louisiana Rodents

If you think you have an infestation, you’re likely suffering from the unpleasant company of one of the following pests: House Mice, Roof Rats or Norway Rats. Identifying your new roommates is the first step towards developing an extermination solution.

House Mouse: The smallest of the three rodents, the house mouse is identifiable by its pointed snout, large ears and brown or grey coloring. Feces! Rod-shaped with pointed ends.

Roof Rat: Not all rats are created equal. At first glance, you may think they all look the same, but Roof Rats have a few unique identifying features, such as nearly hairless ears, black-ish fur and a total size of 13-15 inches. Feces! Typically, ½ inch long with pointed ends.

Norway Rat: The Norway Rat has a lighter coat than its Roof Rat cousins. It’s a heavy-set rodent with a brown coat and a grey or yellow-ish white underbelly. Including the tail, it can range from 13-17 inches long. Feces! Typically, ¾ of an inch long with blunt, rounded ends.

120 Uninvited Guests to the Holiday Table

The Holidays are underway and you’re preparing your house for company. Maybe one or two guests will even stay in your spare room. Unfortunately, with rodents, you don’t just get one or two. A female mouse can produce anywhere between 25-60 babies in a year. With house mice living anywhere between 1-3 years, she could have up to 180 babies in her lifespan. And that’s just one mouse.

Because a female mouse can mate immediately after giving birth, an infestation can happen in the blink of an eye. If you think you have an infestation, start checking your home for signs immediately.

Signs You Have A Rodent Infestation in Your Home

Thankfully, it’s easy to spot a rodent problem, because an infestation is a sensory experience. Signs of a mouse or rat invasion will assault your eyes, ears and nostrils. Here are the first things to check when inspecting your home for vermin:

·         Droppings: While each rat or mouse has a unique fecal footprint, all rodent droppings look pretty similar. You can be guaranteed that they are slightly elongated pellets with round or pointed tips. These droppings can be potentially hazardous for your health, so be careful during your cleaning efforts. Mouse and rat droppings are known carriers of diseases and bacteria and moving the droppings can make these airborne. Always wear proper protective gear while cleaning up droppings.

·         The Smell: If you smell ammonia, you have a problem. Mice use urine as a way to sniff their way back home. They mark the trails in your walls, under your floorboards and in your attic. They even mark their nests. If you have a rodent infestation, your nose will tell you pretty quickly.

·         Tooth Marks: Fun Fact! Mice teeth never stop growing. This is an evolutional advantage that ensures their teeth stay (moderately) healthy. This also means that they need to constantly gnaw something to keep their incisors from growing too long. If you notice unusual markings on your furniture, bedding, electrical wiring or upholstery, contact your trusted pest control professional immediately.

·         Scratching: Finally, if you hear signs of live mice, that is the best indicator that you have an infestation. Sounds to listen for: Scratching, Gnawing, Squeaking or Scuttling. Homeowners often hear mice in their walls or floorboards. However, if you hear mice, don’t panic! DIAL ONE Franklynn Pest Control will help you eliminate your rodent problem once and for all.

Call Dial One Franklynn Pest Control Today!

If your home is showing signs of a rodent infestation, call a pest control company you trust immediately! DIAL ONE Franklynn Pest Control has been providing pest control and termite control solutions for families as well as commercial and industrial businesses throughout the Greater New Orleans Area since 1969. We will help you identify your rodent problem and provide a solution that will keep your home pest free, long-term!