Cockroach Fact: Roaches are the World’s Worst House Guest

The mighty roach is a useful ecological tool that chomps and recycles organic material. While this trait makes roaches a valuable asset in the wild, their particular skill set does not translate well inside the four walls of your home. Our unpleasant perception of cockroaches isn’t helped by the fact that roaches are typically attracted to gross household items, such as dirty dishes and crumbs, wet bathmats and leaky pipes. Cockroaches love moisture and can often be found in the dark, damp areas of your home. Getting rid of cockroaches may feel like an overwhelming endeavor, but if you follow these easy tips, you’ll be well on your way to a roach-free home!

The History of Roaches

Do you have a roach problem? You’re not alone. Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests in the world and have been around for millions of years. While these pests are known to make our skin crawl, they are not known to be aggressive. They can, however, track dangerous bacteria and pathogens into your home. Their legs are covered in tiny spines that scratch across the surfaces of decaying matter.

Although cockroaches are drawn towards cozy, damp sources of food, they are not always a sign that your home is dirty. Cockroaches can make themselves at home almost anywhere there is food and water. That’s why it’s important to call a professional immediately if you suspect you have a roach problem.

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The Roach Trifecta

While there are over 4,600 varieties of roach in the world, there are three common household roaches in the United States: German, Oriental and American.

·         German Cockroach: The German cockroach is the most common species of roach found worldwide! While they are often associated with larger facilities, such as restaurants, hotels and food processing facilities, they have also been known to make themselves comfortable in the average American home.

o   Appearance: German cockroaches have wings, but they rarely fly. They are identified by their light brown or tan coloring and two dark stripes on their back. They grow between ½”-5/8” long and leave behind small, “pepper-like” droppings.

·         Oriental Cockroach: The Oriental cockroach is one of the largest species of cockroach. They are also known as “waterbugs,” due to their affinity for damp spaces. They are known for sneaking into homes through unattended gaps as well as pipes and sewers.

o   Appearance: The Oriental cockroach has a shiny black to dark reddish-brown color. Neither male nor females can fly, but male Oriental cockroaches have short wings, exposing the lower quarter of their abdomen. Females can grow up to 32 mm long.

·         American Cockroach: The American cockroach may be one of the most recognizable roaches on the list. It is one of the largest house-infesting roaches and is also known as the palmetto bug. Although American cockroaches rarely bite, they have the ability to do so.

o   Appearance: These roaches are reddish brown with a yellow figure 8 pattern on the back of their heads. They range from 1 ¼” to 2 1/8” (32-54 mm) in length. They also have wings and can fly short distances.  

How to Keep Roaches Out of Your Home

Roaches are hardy, but they are not difficult to understand. These simple creatures want food and water, and so they are often found in damp areas, near sources of food. Once you eliminate these two factors, you are far less likely to experience an infestation. Here are five basic ways to keep roaches out of your home.

1.       Keep Your Home Dry

·         Cockroaches are attracted to warm, dark, damp areas, such as basements and sewers. If you have any leaky pipes or damp bathmats, they may foster the ideal environment for a cockroach!

2.       Seal Your Food

·         Cockroaches have an unusually heightened sense of smell, due to having their own olfactory systems. They love foods with strong smells, which means they are particularly attracted to that piece of moldy cheese that fell behind your couch last month. Keep all your lids tightly shut.

3.       Vacuum Regularly

·         Vacuuming will help keep your space clean and debris-free. Cockroaches are attracted to crumbs and food residue, so make sure to vacuum around areas that are near food sources.

4.       Do Your Dishes

·         Clean your dishes regularly to eliminate food odors that will attract your neighborhood roaches! The sooner you wash your dishes, the sooner you clean away any cockroach temptation.

5.       Clean Out Bottles and Cans in Your Recycling Bin

·         You recycle! That’s great. But when unwashed cans and bottles sit in your recycle bin, they can attract unwanted pests. An easy way to deter roaches is to rinse out all of your cans and bottles.


Call DIAL ONE Franklynn Pest Control Today!

DIAL ONE Franklynn Pest Control has been providing pest control and termite control solutions for families in New Orleans and Southeastern Louisiana since 1969. If you have a roach problem, DIAL ONE Franklynn Pest Control will evaluate your home and make recommendations that will eliminate your cockroach problem once and for all!