Fact or Fiction? DIAL ONE Franklynn Addresses Common Pest Control Myths

At DIAL ONE Franklynn Pest Control, we’ve heard it all! We receive questions all the time relating to pest myths and unbelievable pest facts. We’re here to set the record straight and address some of the most bizarre Fact vs. Fiction inquiries in the industry! Even though most of these are fun, hilarious, and even a little spooky, it’s essential to know what does and doesn’t work when it comes to pest control. Many of our calls are due to households attempting DIY pest control methods that an experienced pest control technician can easily debunk.

Bed Bugs Are Only Attracted to Dirty Homes: Fiction!

Bed bugs are indeed attracted to places where they can hide, but they are not inherently attracted to dirt and muck. Bed bugs seek out places that are warm and are close to a food supply. Their favorite food is human and animal blood! They also love the smell of the carbon dioxide that humans exhale! The myth that bed bugs are attracted to filthy areas comes from bed bugs finding hiding spots under clutter such as laundry and furniture.


Bed Bug Bites: Bed bug bites are reddish-brown and appear in clusters or a line. They are often itchy and slightly inflamed. If you notice small, seed-sized bites on an area of skin that was exposed while sleeping, call DIAL ONE!

Mosquitoes Prefer Certain Blood Types: Fact!

According to a study conducted by the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH), mosquitoes are most attracted to persons with type O blood and also prefer the blood of persons with type A blood. In fact, there are several variables that affect why a mosquito is attracted to a person. They love higher temperatures and are often drawn towards those with fevers or genetically higher temperatures. These fickle creatures even have a color preference and have been known to bite those wearing black, dark blue, or red clothing before any other colors. So, if you have type O blood, are wearing black, and have recently exercised, make sure to apply your DEET before going outside!

Mice are Attracted to Cheese: Fiction!

Mice are hungry little creatures, so it is feasible that a mouse will eat cheese. However, mice are more attracted to sweeter food loaded with carbohydrates. Even chocolate is more desirable than cheese! So, before you load your next mousetrap with a mountain of cheddar, consider baiting your trap with fruits, seeds, or grains.

However, the best way to get rid of mice is to have a DIAL ONE Franklynn Pest Control professional inspect your home for entry points and develop a comprehensive pest control plan for your property!

Cockroaches can Survive without their Heads: Fact!

Cockroaches are incredibly resilient creatures. One of the reasons they are known for being so difficult to kill is because they can survive (for a period of time) without their heads. This is due to their unique open circulatory system. Cockroaches do not breathe through their mouths. Instead, they breathe through small holes in each of their body segments. Once a roach is beheaded, it only dies after a prolonged period where it is unable to drink water, and it dies of dehydration.


Fleas will Die Immediately Without a Living Host: Fiction!

Fleas are frustrating. They are tiny insects that require the blood of both humans and animals to survive. Yes, without a living host, adult fleas are unable to feed and will eventually die. Unfortunately, eventually can take up to three weeks! In fact, a pre-emerged flea can live for more than 100 days without a blood meal. That’s too much time to wait when it comes to a flea infestation. This is especially true because fleas have been linked back to irritation and the spread of disease. If you have a flea infestation, call DIAL ONE Franklynn Pest Control immediately!

Termites Eat Wood Faster While Listening to Heavy Metal Music: Fact!

According to the research of an Australian group, led by Theodore A Evan at CSIRO, termites have a clear preference for the sound frequencies generated by bass and electric guitars. These frequencies determine which wood they choose and the speed at which they eat. If you have a termite problem, you need immediate professional help. But while you’re waiting for pest control to arrive, switch to Mozart or turn down the heavy metal music!

Without Visible Pests, there is No Need for Pest Control: Fiction!

The best kind of pest control is the type you don’t think you need. Keep pests away with regular inspections and home evaluations. Once you notice signs of an insect or rodent invasion, they have usually already infested your home!

Call DIAL ONE Franklynn Pest Control for Answers to All Your Questions!

DIAL ONE Franklynn Pest Control has been serving the Greater New Orleans area with exceptional pest control since 1969. Mr. Azzarello is a Board-Certified Entomologist and is one of the few working Entomologists in the Louisiana pest control industry! For all your pest questions and problems, contact DIAL ONE Franklynn Pest Control!